Program Structure and Timeline
The 2021-2022 edition of Accelerate2030 is divided into 3 primary phases:
- Phase 1: Impact Hub Onboarding and Partnership Building
- Phase 2: National Phase
- Phase 3: Global Scaling Program
Accelerate2030 thrives on collaboration across Hubs and we invite you to take part in actively shaping program activities in your country and at the global level!
Please see the tentative timeline and more information about each phase below:

Application Period & Info Sessions
May – June 2020
Implementing Hubs: Impact Hubs in developing and emerging economies are invited to apply to be a part of Accelerate2030 until 10 June. Each Impact Hub will be asked to nominate a:
- Program Manager (i.e. National Coordinator*) to lead the local implementation of the program
- Local Fundraising lead (if different from the Program Manager).
*In case several Impact Hubs from the same country apply, they will need to coordinate and jointly nominate a National Coordinator, who will be in charge of rolling out and implementing the program nationally. Please reach out to us if you need any guidance on this topic, we are happy to share examples of previous collaboration among different Hubs.
Not applying as an Implementing Hub? If you want to apply and read more information about becoming a Collaborating Hub, please visit this separate page: Collaborating Hubs: Partnership Models
Fundraising, Onboarding & Final Selection
June – December 2020
Fundraising and Partnership Building: Once pre-selected for the program, the Implementing Impact Hub’s representatives (National Coordinators and Fundraising Leads) will be invited to start their local fundraising efforts, with organized support from the global team. Please read more about the Fundraising Support Structure here.
During this period, each Implementing Impact Hub will be required to raise the minimum amount of funds to implement the National Scale-Ready Program. The minimum resources we see being needed are:
- 50% – 100% FTE role of a National Coordinator (please note that in running the National Scale-Ready Program this percentage might fluctuate between 50- 100% engagement)
- Communication resources to run a national outreach campaign
- Organizing 3-4 day Boot Camps per location
- Ensuring mentoring and expert support (which could be organized through partnership with expert partners)
- Organizing at least one national Accelerate2030 event for an audience of 50-100 people
- Provide 6 months membership for all the ventures participating in the national program
Please see the budget calculator to understand more closely the resource requirements to run the program in your country.
We will also organize sessions on delivering scaling support, communication and campaigning and other relevant topics as we go.
Final selection/confirmation: By November/December 2020 we will jointly decide if you have the minimum resources to move to the official launch in your country. Only Impact Hubs (or national teams, in the case of multiple Hubs implementing the program in a certain country) that are confident in having the needed resources will be invited to the National Coordinators Training in Geneva (see below).
Training for National Coordinators in Geneva*
February/March 2021
All National Coordinators will be invited to a mandatory week-long training in Geneva, Switzerland in February or March 2021. This will be an opportunity for all Accelerate2030 National Coordinators to meet one another in person, receive training delivering the program, and collaborate on strategies for successful program implementation. The exact training dates are TBD.
*Our desire is to have this training in person, hoping that the COVID-19 crisis is under control and travel restrictions have been lifted. If by any chance this is not possible, the training will be adapted for online delivery.
National Campaigns and Selection
March – May 2021
After the National Coordinators’ training in Geneva, together with UNDP Country Offices and other local partners in each country, Hubs will launch a nationwide outreach campaign, establishing partnerships with local media and organizing Accelerate2030 information events. In addition, National Coordinators will directly scout for the best impact-driven ventures in the country and identify at least ten entrepreneurs to receive national scaling support. Each venture will be required to fill out a centralized program application* provided by the A2030 Global Team. Ventures are selected based on a number of criteria, with key components being: impact on the SDGs, maturity of their business model and their scaling potential.
The global campaign will be coordinated and supported by Impact Hub Geneva and the global A2030 communications team.
*In this edition, Accelerate2030 will be piloting a new program management and impact measurement platform developed by Impact Hub Global. We aim to host all program applications, participant information, jury selections, program activity data and impact data on this platform. More details coming soon!
National Scale-Ready Program
June – October 2021
From June – October 2021, the national cohorts of selected entrepreneurs participate in a 4-6 month scale-ready program implemented by each National Coordinator together with key national partners. The National Scale-Ready Program is organized in the following main phases:
- Accelerate2030 Kick-Off Event – can be used as a “Jury Day” to select the cohort/ or an SDG-related event encompassing other topics but featuring the selected cohort
- Scale-Readiness Check (Diagnostics)
- Support in creating a scaling strategy
- Tailored support to start execution of scaling strategy
- National connections and visibility (demo days, market trips, B2B meetings)
During these national programs, Accelerate2030 events will take place across participating countries, bringing together key stakeholders, incl. UNDP, national governments, investors, private sector partners.
Optional program elements

Regional intiatives
Throughout the National Phase, we welcome regional initiatives aimed at connecting entrepreneurs to new markets, new partners and new ideas. This could potentially include regional events, showcases or market trips. Accelerate2030 thrives on collaboration across different Hubs and we encourage you to be creative in envisioning how we can work together!

Thematic Verticals
We invite interested Implementing Hubs to develop thematic cohorts/verticals. This thematic option allows for each Hub to leverage their existing expertise and focus, and potentially connect local cohorts with international partners and opportunities (i.e. Circular Economy Scaling Week or Health Innovation trips) tailored to each thematic focus. Read more about SDG Thematics here.
National Nominations & National Closing Events
October 2021
Following the National Scale-Ready Program, a national expert jury nominates ventures with the highest international scaling potential to continue on to the global phase of the Accelerate2030 program.
The end of the national phase will be marked with Accelerate2030 Closing Events in each country, showcasing supported entrepreneurs, ensuring visibility and strategic connections.
Capacity Building & Peer Support among Impact Hubs
A key part of the program is continuous learning and capacity building not solely through centralized training, but also through peer exchange of best practices. Participating Impact Hubs will be continuously supported in implementing the program through regular coordination calls and sessions, but more importantly we will be facilitating peer-to-peer exchange among National Coordinators in order to enable learning from best practices across participating countries.
Accelerate2030 global will also provide each participating Impact Hub with a ‘Scaling Toolkit’ outlining our scaling methodology and providing program tools and templates, which have been improved, refined and tested over the past 4 years of the program.
This phase of the program will be managed by the Accelerate2030 Global team in Geneva.
International Selection
November – December 2021
Between 10-20 ventures will be selected by an expert global jury to participate in the Global Scaling Program in 2022.
Global Scaling Program
February- September 2022
A key element throughout the global phase is facilitated connection with UN agencies, impact investors, corporate partners and other stakeholders – who can actively support the scaling effort of the ventures, as well opportunities for strategic visibility through speaking opportunities at key events, media etc.
The major components of the Global Scaling Program are:
- Accelerate2030 Global Scaling Week: One-week intensive program incl. Leadership retreat, expert clinics, connection to impact investors, matchmaking with the UN, the private sectors and Swiss SMEs, presenting at SDG Finance Summit led by UNDP and Factory 17.
- 6 months of tailored follow up support for international scaling (with partners from Boston Consulting Group, International Trade Centre, professional coaches and other expert partners, as needed). Global finalist ventures will be connected to strategic partners in Switzerland, Europe and globally – based on the objectives identified in their scaling strategies.